Wolfgang Böhm
IAASB Technical Advisor for Robert Koethner
Wolfgang Böhm is Technical Director Assurance Standards, Director International Affairs, at the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (IDW) in Germany. Among other roles, Mr. Böhm supports the Assurance Board of the IDW, and other IDW committees and working groups, in their development of IDW assurance and related services pronouncements, including the adoption of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) into German auditing standards and quality control over the translation of ISAs.
He has also served on numerous IAASB/IAPC subcommittees, working groups, and task forces over the last 22 years and previously served as a technical advisor for the International Accounting Education Standards Board.
Mr. Böhm is a member of, and for most of the last decade was also secretary to, the Steering Group (the governing body) of the Common Content Project, which seeks to harmonize the education of professional accountants within the EU and internationally.
Prior to joining the IDW, Mr. Böhm worked for 14 years in primarily small- and mid-sized accounting firms in Canada and Germany, largely in assurance and related services. He obtained his B.Com. degree from the University of British Columbia (Canada), is qualified as a Chartered Professional Accountant in Canada, as a Chartered Accountant in the UK, and as a Certified Public Accountant in the US.