Kazuko Yoshimura
Senior Manager
Kazuko joined the IAASB in July 2024. Prior to joining IAASB, Kazuko was a Technical Advisor for IAASB member Sachiko Kai and an IAASB Staff Fellow for two years. As an IAASB Staff Fellow, she worked on International Standard on Auditing for Audits of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities (the ISA for LCE).
Before joining the IAASB, Kazuko spent almost 20 years working with KPMG AZSA LLC (KPMG). During her tenure at KPMG, she has mostly audited manufacturing companies and went on various secondments including KPMG Global Solutions Group where she worked with a team developing contents for audit tools.
Kazuko is a Certified Public Accountant in Japan.
Read a short interview with Kazuko about her time as a Staff Fellow here.