Claire Grayston
Principal, Non-financial Information Assurance
Claire joined the IAASB in 2022 to focus on assurance on sustainability and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting. Prior to joining IAASB, Claire led audit and assurance policy at CPA Australia, where she was responsible for monitoring, influencing and contributing to public policy, regulation, standard-setting and implementation of audit and assurance practice both within Australia and internationally.
Claire was a senior project manager at the Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, specializing in the development of assurance standards and guidance on non-financial information and advising the Government on development and regulation of assurance on emissions, energy and abatement schemes. She has alsoworked as an auditor and forensic accountant in firms, regulators and consultancies in both Australia and the UK. Claire is a fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and CPA Australia.