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Exposure Draft, Proposed International Standard on Auditing of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities

| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

Smaller, less complex entities play a vital role in the world’s economy. In an increasingly complex world with evolving reporting needs, a need for a set of high-quality requirements tailored for the audits of less complex entities has emerged. With this consultation, the IAASB is moving to provide a globally consistent approach at a time where a number of jurisdictional-specific less complex entity standards are emerging, which is not in the public interest.

The IAASB strongly encourages all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback by January 31, 2022. The standard is relevant to users of financial statements, owners, management and those charged with governance of entities, preparers of financial statements, legislative or regulatory authorities, relevant local bodies with standard-setting authority, professional accountancy organizations, academics, regulators and audit oversight bodies, and auditors and audit firms, among others.

Stakeholders can submit responses using the “Submit Comment” button.

"Mapping" documents, ISAs to Proposed ISA for LCE, are also available.

Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  (Brazil)
  2. MNP LLP (327.41 KB)
  3.  (Canada)
  4.  (Thailand)
  5.  (United Kingdom)
  6. Dmitrii Romanov (88.32 KB)
     (Russian Federation)
  7.  (United States of America)
  8.  (Argentina)
  9.  (United Kingdom)
  10. Andrew Wallis (145.05 KB)
  11.  (Spain)
  12.  (United Kingdom)
  13.  (Uganda)
  14.  ()
  15.  (Sweden)
  16.  ()
  17.  (Indonesia)
  18. FAR (278.61 KB)
  19. SRA (124.39 KB)
  20.  (Finland)
  21.  (Austria)
  22.  ()
  23. Audit Scotland (198.61 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  24.  (Ghana)
  25. Accountancy Europe (144.94 KB)
  26.  (Ireland)
  27.  (Malaysia)
  28.  (Singapore)
  29.  (Saudi Arabia)
  30.  (United Kingdom)
  31.  (Korea)
  32.  (Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China)
  33.  (Japan)
  34. PPPK Kemenkeu (442.03 KB)
  35.  (New Zealand)
  36.  ()
  37.  (Germany)
  38. CNCC - CSOEC (890.59 KB)
  39. WPK (567.59 KB)
  40.  (Indonesia)
  41.  ()
  42.  ()
  43. IBR-IRE (305.72 KB)
  44. BDO (410.28 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  45.  (United Kingdom)
  46. PwC (807.59 KB)
  47.  (Indonesia)
  48.  (Sweden)
  49.  ()
  50.  (Finland)