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The Evolving Nature of Financial Reporting: Disclosure and Its Audit Implications

IAASB Discussion Paper
| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

This discussion paper highlights recent trends in the range, volume, and complexity of financial statement disclosures, and explores issues and practical challenges in preparing, auditing, and using them. Views from all stakeholders are sought, and the discussion paper asks specific questions of preparers; investors, lenders, and other creditors; regulators; and auditors.

Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  (Malaysia)
  2. HoTARAC (493.7 KB)
  3.  (United States of America)
  4.  (Malaysia)
  5.  (New Zealand)
  6.  (United Kingdom)
  7.  (United Kingdom)
  8.  (Canada)
  9.  (United States of America)
  10.  (France)
  11.  (Italy)
  12. ICAP (68.18 KB)
  13.  (United States of America)
  14.  (Canada)
  15. FEE (111.74 KB)
  16.  ()
  17. ACCA (135.81 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  18.  (Switzerland)
  19.  (South Africa)
  20.  (Switzerland)
  21. ASSIREVI (2 MB)
  22.  (United Kingdom)
  23.  (United Kingdom)
  24.  (Japan)
  25.  (Spain)
  26.  (United Kingdom)
  27.  (Switzerland)
  28. KPMG (86.08 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  29.  (Netherlands)
  30.  (Canada)
  31.  (Australia)
  32.  (United States of America)
  33.  (Sweden)
  34. ICAEW (206.7 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  35. AICPA (327.14 KB)
     (United States of America)
  36.  (Mexico)
  37.  (United Kingdom)
  38. Felicitas T Irungu (75.19 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  39.  (Belgium)
  40.  (South Africa)
  41.  (Denmark)
  42.  (Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China)
  43. Hydro-Quebec's (1.33 MB)
  44.  (Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China)
  45.  (Germany)
  46.  (United Kingdom)
  47.  (Spain)
  48.  (United States of America)
  49. CNCC/CSOEC (719.65 KB)
  50.  (Australia)